17 April 2024


----------राम स्मरण-------

रामायण प्रतिबिम्ब है, मानवता का धर्म।
देव दैत्य पाते सभी, फल! हो जैसा कर्म।।१।।

फल कर्मों का हरिकथा, युग रोशन सत्कर्म।
दुःसाहस मत कीजिए, नष्ट करे दुष्कर्म।।२।।

माँ गौरी का हठ नहीं, थी उनकी सद्भक्ति।
राम कथा भू पर उतर, सिद्ध करे शिवशक्ति।।३।।

©️ पल्लवी गुप्ता 🌷

11 April 2024

डॉ. मफतलाल पटेल और हिन्दी के मनोवैज्ञानिक उपन्यास (शोध कार्य)

डॉ. मफतलाल पटेल और हिन्दी के मनोवैज्ञानिक उपन्यास

शोध कार्य

        कोई शिक्षक होता है, तो कोई समाज सेवक । कोई लेखक होता है, तो कोई संपादक । कुछ राजनीतिज्ञ होते हैं, तो कुछ शिक्षणविद । कोई शिक्षा के सिद्धांतों का निर्माण करता है, तो कोई संस्थाओं का। कुछ लोग समाज की अच्छाइयों को दीमक की तरह चाट जाने वाले रुढिवाद को निर्मूल कर देना चाहते हैं, तो कुछ वर्तमान राजनीति से भ्रष्टाचार को। किंतु जब हम बात करते हैं डॉ. मफतलाल जेठालाल पटेल की, हमें उनके चरित्र में व्यक्तित्व के ये सारे आयाम पूर्ण रूप से सिद्ध दिखाई पड़ते हैं।

        Simple Living - High Thinking का अनुसरण करने वाले डॉ. मफतलाल पटेल ने पांचवी कक्षा की बाल्यावस्था में ही बाल विवाह न करना, दहेज न लेना, सुवर्ण का त्याग, साटे-पाटे के विवाह का त्याग, विवाह संबंधित निरर्थक खर्चों के त्याग... आदि का दढ संकल्प लिया, जिनका न केवल अपने विवाह में ही, किंतु अपने बच्चों के विवाह में भी अचूक पालन किया। सिर्फ रु. १०० में गुजरात की पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री तथा उत्तरप्रदेश की समकालीन राज्यपाल आनंदीबेन पटेल से विवाह किया ।

       सिर्फ अपने जीवन और घर से ही कुरिवाजों को नहीं उखाड़ फेंका, किंतु महिलाओं का सामाजिक स्तर सुधारने में तथा जन-जन में नारी के सम्मान की जागृति लाने के लिए निरंतर कार्यान्वित रहे। महिलाओं के उत्कर्ष के लिए, 'महिला और मानव अधिकार' (२०१५) कि जिसमें जिलाओं के तथा ऐतिहासिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में महिलाओं का महत्त्व तथा उनके कानूनी अधिकारकास विस्तार से चर्चा की गई है, तदोपरांत 'दीकरीने उडवा पांखों तो आपो' कार की को उड़ने के लिए पंख तो दें) (२०१९), 'दादानी दीकरीओ' (दादा की बीटिया (२०१५) जैसे अनेक लेखों तथा ग्रंथों द्वारा नारी कल्याण की ज्योति जलाते रहे।

        उनके विचार समाज में सिर्फ नारी की स्थिति तक ही सीमित नहीं हैं। उन्होंने पूरे-पूरे गाँव तक का उद्धार किया है। उन्होंने १९८५ में गुजरात के धंधुका तहसील के हरिपुरा नामक एक अशिक्षित, पिछडे हुए गाँव को दत्तक लिया। अपने सूझ-बूझ और सिद्धांतों से उसे एक आदर्श गाँव बनाया। इस गांव का एक भी व्यक्ति अशिक्षित, बेकार या व्यसनी नहीं है। हर घर किसी ना किसी प्रकार के गृह उ‌द्योग से सुशोभित है । ग्रामोत्थान के इस वंदनीय कार्य के लिए उन्हें 'हरिपुरा के गांधी' के नाम से सम्मानित किया गया है।

        वे एक आदर्श शिक्षक रहे हैं। हिंदी, संस्कृत तथा मनोविज्ञान के विशारद ने प्राथमिक शाला से लेकर हाई स्कूल शिक्षणकार्य किया और फिर हिंदी एवं मनोविज्ञान के अध्यापक रहे। व्यावसायिक सफर सिर्फ इतना ही सीमित नहीं है।। अहमदाबाद जिला पंचायत शिक्षा समिति के प्रमुख के रूप में वे लगातार चार बार बहुमत से जीत कर २० साल तक सेवा कार्य करते रहें। उनकी सिखाई गई शिक्षा नीतियों का आज भी गुजरात शिक्षा बोर्ड अनुसरण करता है। इस दौरान उन्होंने अहमदाबाद जिले की १०६५ स्कूलों की कायापलट की है। अहमदाबाद जिले का कोई स्कूल नहीं जिसकी उन्होंने मुलाकात न ली हो। यह गाँधीवादी विचारक एक कुशल और इमानदार राजनीतिज्ञ भी हैं। सन् १९८१ में अहमदाबाद जिला पंचायत की सीट पर भाजपा की ओर से जीतने वाले प्रथम कार्यकर्ता है। फिर निरंतर २० सालों तक अर्थात् १९८१ से २००० तक बहुमत से विजयी रहे। बचपन से ही पिता के उच्च गुणों को धारण करने वाले डॉ. मफतलाल पटेल ने अपना राजनैतिक जीवन भ्रष्टाचार से बेदाग होकर बिताया। उन्होंने साबित कर दिखाया कि अगर व्यक्ति चाहे तो अपनी आधुनिक विचारधारा को अटल निश्चय के साथ अपने जीवन में उतार कर अपना आचरण भले ही संघर्षपूर्ण, किंतु निश्छल रखे तो वह समाज में लोगों का आदर और विश्वास जरूर प्राप्त कर सकता है।

        उन्होंने अपने जन्म स्थल महेसाणा जिले के विसनगर तहसील में 'कड़ा' गाँव में एक सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालय का भी निर्माण किया। चार मंजिला वाला यह पुस्तकालय आधुनिक सुविधाओं से सज्ज है। ग्राउंड फ्लोर पर पुस्तकें और पाठकों की बैठक व्यवस्था है। दूसरी मंजिल कम्प्यूटर लैब से सुसज्ज है तथा तीसरी मंजिल में प्रोजेक्टर तथा आधुनिक फर्निचर हैं जो स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षार्थियों के लिए काफी उपयोगी है। चौथी मंजिल का निर्माण अभी कुछ समय पूर्व ही हुआ जिसे स्मृति सांस्कृतिक भवन कहते हैं। इन बहुआयामी व्यक्तित्व के कृतियों की सूचि जिस प्रकार बहुत लंबी है, वैसे ही उनके लेखन तथा प्रकाशन की सूचि भी काफी लंबी है। जिसे संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी में समा लेना काफी कठिन है।

        डो. मफतलाल पटेल एक सिद्धहस्त लेखक तथा संपादक भी हैं। उन्होंने 'अचला एजुकेशन फाउंडेशन ट्रस्ट' की स्थापना की। सन् २००१ से नियमित प्रकाशित अचला मेगेजीन के तंत्री है, जिसमें समकालीन शिक्षा प्रवाह, गतिविधियाँ, समस्याओं पर चिंतन, इत्यादि की विस्तृत चर्चा के साथ-साथ शिक्षाविदों का मार्गदर्शन भी उपलब्ध रहता है। इसके उपरांत उन्होंने 'प्रगतिशील शिक्षण', 'केलवणी', 'जीवन शिक्षण', 'घरशाला', 'सारस्वत' जैसे अनेक शैक्षणिक सामयिकों में गुणवत्तायुक्त योगदान दिया है। पाटीदार समाज के मुखपत्र 'धरती' में भी महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य किया है। 'शिक्षण क्षेत्रे सूर्योदय' (२०१६) नामक ग्रंथ में ६४ शिक्षाविदों के चिंतनात्मक लेखों का संपादन किया। 'प्रगति' (२०१७) में स्मिट कार्डन के ग्रंथ का संपादन किया ।

        इतना ही नहीं, उन्होंने अनुवाद कार्य में भी अपना बहुमूल्य योगदान दिया है। एच. जी. वेल्स की आठ कहानियों का 'वर्ल्ड बेस्ट स्टोरीज' (२०२०) के नाम से अंग्रेजी से गुजराती में अनुवाद किया है। कई चिंतनात्मक लेख लिखे, जैसे कि 'चालो, जीवी लईए. (२०२०), 'जीवन ने सुमधुर बनाववाना राजमार्गो' (२०१५), 'संकल्प बल' (२०१३), 'विचार बल' (२०१६), 'टिक्स एन्ड किड्स' (१९९२) जैसे कई ग्रंथों का लेखन कार्य किया। लोकजागृति के लिए 'समाज को बदल डालो' नाटक की रचना की।

        हिंदी साहित्य के प्रथम मनोवैज्ञानिक उपन्यासकारों जैनेन्द्र, इलाचंद्र जोशी, अजेय, इत्यादि के औपन्यासिक पात्रों का दर्शन और शिल्प के परिप्रेक्ष्य में मनोवैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण भी किया है।

        हिन्दी उपन्यासकारों की प्रथम श्रेणी के उत्कृष्ट अपन्यासकार श्री जैनेन्द्रजी के बारे में डॉ. मफतलाल पटेल कहते है कि, मनुष्य के मन की पर्तें खोलकर तह में छिपी हुई गांठें खोलने और पिघलाने में श्री जैनेन्द्र सिद्धहस्त कलाकार हैं। वे अंतर्मुखी व्यक्तित्व का दर्शन करवाते हैं। डो. मफतलाल पटेल ने जैनेन्द्र के 'सुनीता' (१९६४), 'त्यागपत्र' (१९३७), 'कल्याणी' (१९३९) 'सुखदा' (१९५२) जैसे चरित्र प्रधान उपन्यासों के पात्रों की कथनी और करनी की बारीकाई से मनोविश्लेषण प्रस्तुत किया है।

          'सुनीता' उपन्यास में किसी अन्य पुरुष की मानसिक कुंठाएँ खोल कर उसके व्यक्तित्व के संपूर्ण विकास के लिए किस प्रकार एक स्त्री अपना सब कुछ उसे समर्पित कर देती है. इस मानसिक स्थिति का खूब सुंदर विश्लेषण किया गया है। हो. पटेल 'त्यागपत्र' की मुख्य नायिका मृणाल के जीवन का विश्लेषण करते हुए कहते हैं कि उसकी खरी त्रासदी ना ही उसके अनाथ होने में है और ना ही भूख तिल-तिल मरने में हैं। परंतु उसके यह है कि वह एक अपने अमेड पति को समर्पित होने के बावजूद है यातना तो अविन व्यतीत करने को बाध्य है। एक सीधी सरल सती स्त्री को अपवित्रता च कलंक लगाकर घर से निकाल दिया जाता है तथा नर्क से बदतर यातनाओं के साथ तड़प-तड़प कर मरने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाता है।

           मृणाल अपने साथ किए गए सभी अन्याय को मौन रहकर सहती है, कहीं कोई विरोध नहीं करती । स्कूल मास्टर से मार खाना, सैली के भाई से प्रेम की बात पर अपनी भाभी से पीटा जाना, सभी इच्छाओं का गला घोटकर एक अधेड विधुर से विवाह, निर्दोष होने के बावजूद पति द्वारा घर से निकाले जाना और सामाजिक उत्पीडन की हर घटना को मौन रहकर सहने वाली मृणाल की मानसिकता का विश्लेषण करते हुए डॉ. पटेल कहते है कि मनुष्य ना तो स्वयं को बदल सकता है और ना बाहरी दुनिया को । वह केवल अपनी स्थिति की व्याख्या कर सकता है।

        श्री जैनेन्द्र के सुप्रसिद्ध उपन्यास 'कल्याणी' में मुख्य नायिका कल्याणी के चरित्र और मनोवृत्तियों की व्याख्या करते हुए वे कहते हैं कि स्त्री सदैव अपने पति से प्रेम चाहती हैं। यदि उसे वह प्रेम ना मिला तो परपुरुष या धर्म में प्रेम ढूंढती है। असफलता मिलने पर स्वयं को कोसती है, पीटती है। कहती है, "में सब भूल जाना चाहती हूँ। मैं खुद से नफरत करना चाहती हूँ।" डॉ. पटेल कल्याणी को एक ऐसी स्त्री का ज्वलंत उदाहरण बताते हैं जो जीवन से नाराज, हताश और असंतुष्ट है । 

        श्री अज्ञेयजी को हिंदी के महान मनोवैज्ञानिक उपन्यासकार बताते हुए डॉ. पटेल कहते हैं कि अज्ञेय ने अपने पात्रों के मनोविश्लेषण के आधार पर कथा साहित्य का प्रासाद खड़ा किया है। अज्ञेयजी के 'शेखर - एक जीवनी' उपन्यास के मुख्य पात्र शेखर का विश्लेषण करते हुए डॉ. पटेल कहते हैं कि व्यक्ति के चरित्र निर्माण की नींव उसके बचपन के प्रथम ५ वर्ष में है। माता पिता के रोज के क्रूर झगडों में शेखर ने अपना बचपन खो दिया। निर्दोष इच्छाएँ और बाल सहज भावनाओं के दमन के परिणामस्वरुप उसमें एक अपराधी का जन्म हुआ । डॉ. पटेल 'शेखर - एक जीवनी' को हिंदी उपन्यास साहित्य में एक नए प्रयोग के रुप में प्रमाणित करते हैं।

        अज्ञेयजी के एक अन्य उपन्यास 'नदी के द्वीप' की मुख्य नायिकार रेखा के बारे में डॉ. पटेल लिखते हैं कि रेखा एक ऐसी स्त्री है जिसकी तुलना में अन्य किसी भी उपन्यास का कोई भी पात्र खड़ा नहीं रह सकता। वह एक विचारशील नारी है, जो सामाजिक विचारधारा को चुनौती देती है। तीन अलग-अलग पुरुषों के संसर्ग में जीवन व्यतित करने के बावजूद वह चरित्रहीन नहीं है। रेखा एक विशेष चरित्र का प्रतिबिंब है।

        दर्शन और शिल्प के परिप्रेक्ष्य में इलाचंद्र जोशीजी के उपन्यासों का मनोविश्लेषण करते हुए डॉ. पटेल कहते हैं कि, "जोशीजी ने मानवी के अवचेतन में दबी हुई अतृप्त वासनाओं का चित्र खींचकर यह बताया है कि, इंसान के व्यवहार में अवचेतन का प्रभाव सबसे अधिक है।"

        जोशीजी के लेखन की समीक्षा करते हुए वे कहते हैं कि जोशीजी मनोविज्ञान के सिद्धांतों को सामने रख कर उपन्यास लिखते हैं। 'सन्यासी' उपन्यास का मुख्य नायक नन्दकिशोर का कुण्ठित अहंकार, ईर्ष्या तथा शंकाशील प्रकृति का रुप धारण कर लेता है। असफलता, ईर्ष्या, अपनी शक्तिहीनता का ज्ञान, असंतोष और हाहाकार के बीच उसके अहंकार ने उसे सदा जलते रहने के लिए छोड़ दिया ।

        इसी प्रकार 'पर्दे की रानी' में निरंजना का विश्लेषण करते हुए डॉ. पटेल कहते हैं कि, "वर्तमान युग में केवल व्यक्तिगत प्रभाव की ही बोलबाला नहीं है, किन्सु अहम् से जन्मी प्रतिहिंसा का परिणाम महायुद्धों के नाशलीला में परिणत होता है। मनुष्य को कृत्रिम शिक्षा और संस्कृति को त्यागकर स्वस्थ, सबल, सहज और स्वाभाविक बुद्धि स्तर पर आना होगा।"

        डॉ. पटेल के बहुआयामी व्यक्तित्व के बारे में जितना लिखा जाय, कम ही है। हिन्दी ओपन्यसिक पात्रों के चरित्र का मनोविश्लेषण उनसे बेहतर और कोई नहीं कर सकता। उनकी दीर्घायु और बेहतर स्वास्थ्य के लिए मेरी हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ ।

'ગ્રંથવૈભવ, ડૉ. મફતલાલ પટેલના સાહિત્યાસ્વાદનો સંચય', 2021 में प्रकाशित;

प्रकरण: 51; पेज नंबर: 246-250.

©️ पल्लवी गुप्ता 🌷

10 April 2024

સરપંચની ચૂંટણી, એક એપિસોડ

"સરપંચની ચૂંટણી "

ઓઘડ અને જીવીની અદ્ભુત, રસપ્રદ જીવનકથા "છપ્પન ઈંચ',
આ એક અભૂતપૂર્વ ગ્રંથમાં મારું સ્ક્રિપ્ટેડ એક એપીસોડ


        ઓઘડનાં નવાં નવાં લગન થયાં.

        ઓઘડ કસાયેલ શરીરવાળો ખરો,પણ..! મજૂરી કરીને કસાયેલું શરીર.બાકી ભૂખ તો ભરડો લઈ જ ગઈ હતી.
        કલુમા એક સાંધે ત્યાં તેર તૂટે આવી પરિસ્થિતિ હતી. જોકે માજી જીવના જબરાં , એમનાં આંગણેથી લગભગ કોઈ ભૂખ્યો ના જાય.એ ઘરમાં હોય ત્યાં સુધી ચિંતા ના કરે.

        'હજાર હાથવાળો દેવાં વાળો છે.બે હાથવાળો લય લયને કેટલું લેશે..!??
         માણસને ખાવાં માટે એક જ મોઢું છે.ખાય ખાયને માણસ કેટલું ખાશે..!??'
         આવી રખાવટને હિસાબે કલુમાની ચોતરફ વાહવાહી થાતી.
         અને એટલે જ ઓઘડને જીવી જેવી સ્વરૂપવાન છોકરી મળી હતી.
         નવાં નવાં દિવસોમાં જીવી પાણીછેડે માંથે ગોળી હાંડો.અને કેડમાં ગાગર ભરીને ગામમાં નીકળે.
માથા પરનાં હાંડામાથી ક્યારેક.., ક્યારેક પાણી છલકાતું હોય.એ પાણીનાં ટીપાં સંગેમરમર જેવી જીવીના ગાલ ઉપર પડે.જાણે ગુલાબની પાંખડી ઉપર ઝાકળ ઝાકળ.
આમ જીવીનુ સોંદર્ય ચોતરફ છલકાઈ ઊઠે.
આવું પાણી નીતરતું રૂપ અને વસંતની જેમ મધમધતા જીવીના યૌવનથી ગામના પુરુષો આકર્ષિત થતાં .
એને ટીકી ટીકીને જોયાં કરતાં.
જીવીથી આ વાત અજાણી નહોતી.પણ..! જીવીને એવું કાંઈક કરવું હતું કે સોંદર્યમાં સુગંધ ભળે.અને રૂપ બોજારૂપ નહીં પણ પૂજારૂપ લાગે. આનો સીધેસીધો ફાયદો બધી જ મહિલાઓને મળે.ગામને મળે.
       આના માટે બે બાબત સૌથી પહેલાં જોઈએ.
'એક તો શિક્ષણ,અને બીજા સંસ્કાર.'
       બાળકો માટે બાલ વાટીકા અને મોટેરાંઓ માટે પ્રૌઢ શિક્ષણ શરું કર્યા.યુવાનો માટે એમની જે આવડત હતી, એમનાં કૌશલ્ય વર્ધક કામો શરું થયાં .
ધીમે ધીમે કામ આગળ વધવાં લાગ્યું.
           હવે એની સાક્ષરતા અને આત્મનિર્ભરતાથી ગામના અન્ય લોકો પણ પ્રભાવિત થવા લાગ્યા. 
          આખા દિવસના કામકાજ ઉપરાંત જીવીને સાંજે જે સમય મળતો એમાં તે પોતે પણ.., અભ્યાસ કરવાં બેસી જતી.
એ જોઈ ગામની અન્ય સ્ત્રીઓમાં પણ શિક્ષણ પ્રત્યે સભાનતા આવી. ધીમે ધીમે જીવી પાસે સ્ત્રીઓ અને બાળકો ભણવા માટે તો કયારેક સીવણ શીખવા માટે આવવા લાગ્યા. આ વાત ફોરમ ની જેમ ગામના ખૂણે ખૂણે પહોંચી.
          મનમાં કંઈક વિચારી જીવી શાળાના આચાર્યને મળવા ગઈ. એ સાંજે બંને ઓઘડને મળવા આવ્યા.
આચાર્ય: "ચ્યમ ઓઘડ! જીવી શું કરેશ?"
ઓઘડ: "ઈ તો રાણી થઈશ! મારો ભવ સુધરી ગ્યોશ!"
          આચાર્યએ ઓઘડને અને શીલાએ જીવી ને કંઈક સુઝાવ આપ્યો. કાળી મજૂરીના સંઘર્ષ પછી સાક્ષરતાએ જેને પુનર્જીવિત કરી એ જીવી જીવનમાં હવે આગળ વધવા સતત મક્કમ હતી.
         હવે એમના આંગણમાં સવારના પહોરમાં આંગણવાડી અને બપોરે સીવણના વર્ગો ચાલવા લાગ્યા. ગામમાં શિક્ષણ અને ચેતનાનો નવો સંચાર થયો. એ તો રાત્રે પણ ઠરતી નહોતી. એને વાંચનનો એવો શોખ વળગ્યો કે તમામ ધોરણની બધી ચોપડીઓ વાંચી ગઈ. શીલાએ એક પછી એક એના કોલેજની પુસ્તકો લાવી આપી. જીવીએ એ પુસ્તકોનો અર્ક પણ પી લીધો.
ઓઘડ ઘરની અને ગામની સ્થિતિ પરિસ્થિતિમાં આવેલ સુધારાથી હતપ્રભ હતો. જે તીવ્રતાથી જીવીએ વિકાસ તરફ કૂચ કરી હતી એ સંપૂર્ણ ગ્રામજનો માટે આદર્શપાત્ર બની હતી.
હવે ગામ આખાની બહેન દીકરીઓ રાત -વરત પણ બિંદાસ હરી -ફરી શકતી હતી.કોઈની કામી નજર એમને ખટકતી નહોંતી.
જીવીએ સંપૂર્ણ સમર્પણ ગામ માટે ન્યોછાવર કર્યું હતું.પ્રેમઅને જીવન બન્ને સાર્થક છે.આવો ગામ આખાને પરિચય કરાવ્યો હતો .
એ જોઈ ઓઘડમાં પણ આત્મવિશ્વાસે જન્મ લીધો. જૂનું બધું જ ભૂલીને એ સંપૂર્ણ નિષ્ઠાથી કામ કરવા તત્પર થયો.
         વિકાસના પંથે બે વર્ષ પસાર થયા. હવે સમય આવ્યો ગામમાં સરપંચની ચૂંટણીનો.
સરપંચ કોણ બને? એ સૌથી મોટો પ્રશ્ન હતો.
ચૂંટણી આવે એટલે કંઈ કેટલાય મૂરતિયા ઊભાં થઈ જાય.એમ, નહીં પણ..,જાત જાતની વાતો થવાં લાગી.'આપણે જ ચૂંટણી લડવી છે.'એવાં હાંકલા પડકારાં સંભળાવા લાગ્યાં.
જીવીને મનમાં શંકા ઉત્પન્ન થઈ.
'આ ચૂંટણી જ ગામને બધાવે છે.ભાઈ- ભાઈ, કુટુંબ- કુટુંબ અને નાતિ -જાતિને જૂદાં કરાવે છે.
આ ચૂંટણી જ ના આવતી હોય તો..!!?
ના..પણ..! આપણી તો લોકશાહી છે.અને લોકશાહીમાં ચૂંટણી અનિવાર્ય બાબત છે.
પણ..!! કાંઈક તો રસ્તો હશે ને..!!?'
ત્યાં ગામમાંથી આઠ દસ માણસો આવતાં દેખાયાં.સાથે આચાર્ય સાહેબ પણ હતાં.
એકે વાતની શરૂઆત કરી.
"જીવીબેન..! આ વખતની ચૂંટણીમાં તમારે સરપંચનું ફોર્મ ભરવાનું છે.એટલે ગામમાં કોઈ બાઝે જ નહીં.અને આ માટે આજે ગામનાં ચોરે એક મિટિંગ રાખી છે."
જીવીએ હસતાં હસતાં કહ્યું.
"ના ભાઈ ના..! મારું કામ નેતા બનવાનું નથી.
અને ચૂંટણીમાં મને ફાવે પણ નહીં."
"જીવીબેન..! એ બધી વાત આપણે ચોરે જ કરશું."
ચોરો આખેઆખો હકડેઠઠ ભર્યો હતો.ચોરાનુ મેદાન પણ ગામલોકોથી ભરાઈ ગયું હતું.
ઓઘડ સાથે જીવીની એન્ટ્રી થઈ..એટલે સૌએ તાળીઓનો ગડગડાટ કર્યો.
જીવીએ બે હાથ જોડીને નમસ્કાર કરી ,સૌનો આભાર માન્યો.
આચાર્ય સાહેબે માઈક હાથમાં લઈને શરૂઆત કરી.
"ભાઈઓ અને બહેનો..! આપણે આ વખતની સરપંચની ચૂંટણીમાં જીવીબેનને લડાવવાં માંગીએ છીએ.તમે બધાં શું કહો છો..!??"
બધાં કાંઈ બોલે એ પહેલાં જીવીએ ઊભાં થતાં જ કહ્યું.
"હાં પણ..! હું ચૂંટણી લડીને ભાઈ -ભાઈ, કુટુંબ- કુટુંબને અલગ કરવાં નથી માંગતી.
અને એટલે મારે ચૂંટણી લડવી નથી."
ચારેકોર છન્નાટો છવાઈ ગયો.
પાછળની હરોળમાંથી એક સાથે આઠ દસ અવાજો આવ્યાં...
"હાં પણ..!! ચૂંટણી જ કોને કરવી છે!? અમારે તો તમને ગામ સમરસ કરીને સરપંચ બનાવવાં છે."
હજારો તાળીયોનો ગડગડાટ એક સાથે થયો.
અને સૌની છાતી છપ્પન ઈંચની થઈ ગઈ.

10/04/2024 'સંજોગ ન્યુઝ' ના ઉત્સવ પૂર્તિમાં પ્રકાશિત 
©️ પલ્લવી ગુપ્તા 🌷

07 April 2024

7: In the Lair of Criminals

 Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -7: In the Lair of Criminals

If any crime is committed within the boundary of a State, its investigation becomes limited to that state, and hence solving that case becomes a bit easier for the police. But if the crime is connected to another State, it becomes very difficult and challenging to investigate and nab the treacherous criminals.

A very famous party plot of Modasa city has witnessed many splendid occasions. In one such grand wedding ceremony, the hosts along with their guests were enjoying the occasion to the brim. After the feast, the guests left. Around 11 pm, the family members of the party-givers were engaged in photo shoot so as to make the event unforgettable. But none of them had the slightest idea that these blissful moments were not going to prevail longer.

During wedding occasions, it is a tradition to accept gifts in cash, and mostly this duty is assigned to the son-in-law of the family. He had finalized the amount of money received in the notebook and had securely put the cash along with the book in a bag, when someone urged him to join the family photo shoot. As people present there were all family members, he left the bag unattended on the counter table and joined the photo session. Finally, when it was all over, he returned to the counter for the bag, and found it gone.

It was a bolt from the blue for the son-in-law, as the bag contained jewelleries and cash totalling a worth of around ten lakhs. He frantically started searching for the bag, but it was nowhere to be found. Initially he thought that someone must have played a prank on him by hiding the bag, but the bag was missing for real. The joy of marriage function turned into a melancholy.

Not the slightest bit was found despite searching all over the place. Just because of a reckless blunder, a very big amount of money was stolen. Despite the presence of abundant family members at the moment someone took the bag and had slipped away from everyone’s sight. The nearby police station was informed of this incident immediately. It was for the first time that a case of robbery of over 10 lakhs was filed in that region. The police started investigating this challenging case of professional robbers from late night. They started with checking the CCTV footages of the party-plot along with the surrounding shops. Suspicious activities of some 10-12 years old children were observed in them. How and why would the children of such a young age commit a robbery of such a large sum of money? Those children were passing the bag to each other and moving forward. They quickly delivered the bag to the car which was stationed at a certain distance and in the blink of an eye the car disappeared.

The mystery of this theft was to be solved based on the CCTV footage. It was difficult to reach the crooks based solely on footage without any supporting evidence. But strong will makes the impossible possible. CCTV footages of the surrounding tolls were collected. A suspicious car was observed in them. The police successfully got their hands on the number of the car. The registration of the car was from Madhya Pradesh. A whole lot of details and the resume of the person on whose name the car was registered were gathered. Checking that resume revealed a long list of crimes.

That village in Madhya Pradesh is very notorious. Most of the people here are known for smuggling in different parts of the country. These people have created such a dangerous awe that even the local police have to think many times before entering that village. These people abduct 10-12 years old children from Rajasthan and prepare them for trafficking. Children around this age can very easily get access to any occasion anywhere. They are trained on how to pick up the valuables on sight without grabbing any attention. Nobody even suspects them. The mastermind behind the whole incident is standing 200-500 metres away from the crime scene and has fully geared to escape. The moment the valuables reach their hands, their car vanishes at full speed within a few moments. The children are appeased by giving some money.

The same notorious gang had carried out the theft of 10 lakhs in the Modasa party plot. The criminal record of the accused was in the hands of the police. Nabbing the crooks from that dangerous village in an unknown area of Madhya Pradesh was quite tricky than expected. The District Police chief Sanjay Kharat tried to talk to the Superintendent of Police of that area in Madhya Pradesh for help, but the local police cooperation did not provide the expected cooperation.

The team of Aravalli District Police left for Madhya Pradesh. There was no possibility of getting the cooperation of local police there. Just a fortnight before the occurrence of this incident, the local police were fatally attacked from this village. Both tact and force had to be employed. The police mixed with the locals of that village in plain clothes and collected important information. Based on this information, it was certain that the accused of the theft of Rs. 10 lakhs belonged to this village. Extorting money from him was as hard as chewing iron grams. The police officers cleverly arranged a meeting with the village sarpanch and persuaded him to return the stolen money. While conversing with the sarpanch, it was revealed that many people including the Sarpanch were involved in the trafficking. The sarpanch was convinced to return the money using all possible tactics. According to him, all the theft booty was spent.

The task of recovering the money was difficult but the Aravalli District Police was not ready to give up. The Aravalli Police went to another State and without the cooperation of the local police entered the stronghold of dangerous criminals and were successful in seizing approximately three lakhs of stolen money. Recovering 3 lakhs rupees from those criminals was a big victory. Police are still putting effort to recover the remaining amount of money. The local police of Madhya Pradesh were also stunned to see this feat of the Aravalli Police. PSI C.F. Rathod and his team played a crucial role in solving this case.

The police don’t even care about their own lives to protect people’s lives and property. This is the intoxication that lies on wearing ‘Khakhi’

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 27 March 2024, on 


©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷


6: Who committed the thievery?

Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -6: Who committed the thievery?

        Many criminals dream of deadly attacks and robberies to terrorize in broad daylight. Aravalli police has set many examples of capturing such criminals, squashing their malicious intentions and teaching them appropriate lesson.

        This is about one of such a robbery incident that occurred in broad daylight on a desolated road in a village near Shamala. That is a tribal area. The people of tribal community live there by building kutcha pucca houses scattered on hills. Private finance companies provide many loan and saving schemes in this area and the employees regularly visit them to get the instalments.

      It was the afternoon of 9th December 2022. Few employees of such a private financial company were passing on bike through a desolated road after collecting the amount obtained out of loan and saving schemes in the villages near Shamala. They didn’t have even the slightest idea about being kept an eye on with the purpose of theft. It was during noon and the area was unpeopled. While they were passing by suddenly someone stopped them and hit hard with a thick blunt wooden stick. They fell down from the bike and cried for help but in vain, their voice echoed in the surrounding hills. The robbers despoiled the bag full of rupees and disappeared in the nearby hills.

    They looted about two and half lakh rupees. The employees were badly injured. What had happened just in a few moments was beyond their understanding. They were brought to a nearby hospital for treatment. There was no possibility of catching their assailant and recovering the loot as it was intrigued in a deserted area. However, a complaint of robbery was filed.

    The afternoon had put the police in action mode. It was necessary to take the culprits into custody before their intentions got too high. LCB PI K D Gohil took over the reins of the investigations. The fellow officers joined him. 

    As it had betided in a derelict area, no CCTV footage or any other link was available. Therefore, it was a bit complicated to solve the case. The investigating officers were highly experienced in this sort of work. Human intelligence and technical surveillance were put to work and habitual offenders and suspicious crooks were kept under constant watch. Keeping the complainants with them, the CCTV footages of CCTV installed in nearby villages were checked.

    The investigation was still in progress, but as days had passed, the burglars were now on the loose and the police were actively pursuing the case. The LCB teams received information from their private informers that the four criminals were coming from Rajasthan to Gujarat on a bike without number plates through the jungles.

    Based on the information, the area was cordoned off and at 12:30 pm, according to the information, four ISMOs were passing by with bikes without number plates, police cordoned off and arrested the four criminals. At the result of intensive interrogation, they confessed to the crime of committing the robbery. After mutilating these four malefactors, goods worth approximately two lakhs were seized from them. 

    The police not only solved the loot case carried out in deserted area, but was also did a commendable job of solving vehicle theft cases. 

    The district police chief says, “No matter how much technology comes along, basic policing relies on an intensive network of informants. Many such incidents occur where technical help doesn’t seem to work. Then police keep on working for months and years on a single case. This loot case was one such complicated case. Only on the basis of the public's trust in the police did the informer convey the accurate information of the accused to the police. As the district police, it is our duty to inculcate the same trust of the citizens.” 

    The crime-solving success graph of Aravalli District Police has been steadily rising. The district police have created a positive atmosphere by doing effective work to instil confidence in the hearts of the common people towards Khaki and keep criminals at bay.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 5th April 2024, on 


©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷

5: Why an Eerie Silence in Modasa?

 Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -5: Why an Eerie Silence in Modasa?

         The afternoon of 18th July 2022 will probably never be forgotten by Modasa town. The whole Modasa town was stunned. An incident that occurred in the afternoon shook the people of the district entirely. That incident was so serious that it’s echoes were heard in Gandhinagar after a short while. 

          Malpur road was centre of shopping as many famous showrooms and shops were located there. It was crowded with people all day long. There situated a well-known showroom of electronics. Once, the owner of this showroom was busy with his work when suddenly three people barged in the shop. One of them possessed a pistol in his hand. They rushed towards the counter and demanded 4 lakh rupees from the shop owner at gunpoint. The owner of the showroom was taken aback by this sudden incident. He was at a loss to understand as how to react under this situation. However, the owner fearlessly resisted the three unknown people and refused to hand over any money.

          The unknown assailants who had come to the showroom with the intention of loot and robbery, resorted to violence. One of the assailant’s took a hammer and hit the showroom owner hard on the head. Blood gushed profusely from the head of the showroom owner. However, he still resisted the robbers with full courage. People gathered on hearing the commotion, and the robbers fled for the fear of being caught. The robbers threatened a young man and fled away by forcibly snatching away his moped. 

           The showroom owner screamed in bloody state, people gathered, but by the time the robbers had succeeded in fleeing away. During this commotion the criminals vanished in thin air. Never had such a violence with the intent of robbery in broad daylight taken place in such a congested area of Modasa town. This incident went viral. The whole town was shocked by it.

The police on getting the news, immediately rushed to the spot. Seeing the seriousness of the incident, Sanjay Kharat, the Chief of police himself reached the crime spot in no time. 

            This incident was broadcasted as breaking news by all the TV channels. The State Home Minister also spoke directly with the District Chief of Police to quickly resolve this issue of violent burglary. 

             Solving this case was a tough challenge for the police. The bike on which the criminals had arrived did not even have a number plate, but luckily the entire incident was captured on CCTV. The CCTV footage went viral so much that the disturbing visuals reached to the majority of people’s mobiles. Based on this footage and ‘NETRAM’, the robbers were now to be traced.

Without losing a single moment, the district police set wheels in motion to nab the criminals. Dy Sp. Bharat Basiya, LCB PI C. P. Vaghela and other senior officers together with team ‘NETRAM’ started working on this case. The private informers were activated. All these actions took place within a couple of hours after the incident.

PSI J. H. Chowdhry, in charge of NETRAM branch, examined the footages from CCTV cameras installed all over the town. His phone rang, but the pressure of work was such that he did not have leisure to pick up his phone. The phone rang second time, a third time… He was repeatedly getting a phone call over and over again. He finally received it. The other side said that they knew the person who was involved in that day’s incident. One of the culprits was a person living in a village of Talod Taluka and the other two of his accomplices were his friends who lived in an area nearby Modasa.

          An important link got in hand for solving the case. Details about the burglars were acquired through NETRAM CCTV footages. They had ditched the moped on the highway on running out of petrol and had fled towards the jungle. Police cordoned the area and caught all the three culprits and seized the motorcycle used in the loot, fake pistol and their mobiles.

           The incident had occurred in the afternoon and before nightfall the culprits were already in custody of the police. This was a huge success. By solving the case in mere 3 to 4 hours, the police reassured the public that any criminal howsoever with high connections, too, cannot escape from the clutches of the police. The media, who was questioning the performance of the police just two or three hours ago, was now admiring the performance of the same police. The Aravalli police were showered congratulations from all over. The State Home Minister also praised the Aravalli Police Chief for this speedy solution of much debated and lime lighted case.

          When the accused was interrogated about as to how the idea of stealing occurred to him. The answer he gave was really shocking. He said, “I bought a music system worth Rs 1.5 lakh at home, but I did not have enough money to pay for it. So, by looting, I intended to pay the remaining price.” The police too were startled on hearing this.

           Anyone who spends more than his income on unnecessary hobbies and shows off will eventually regret it.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 12th March 2024, on 


©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷

4: Foray of Burglary in Jeweller’s Shop

Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -4:Foray of Burglary in Jeweller’s Shop

            What would be the condition of a person whose lifetime hard earned money is robbed overnight? By targeting a jeweller’s shop, the witty robbers looted ornaments worth 45 lakh rupees, thereby creating a big commotion.
            A mere remembrance of this incident that occurred on 25th March 2022, gives goosebumps to the owner of a jewellery shop located at a village of Bayad taluka.
Rahul was running a jewellery shop for years in this village. His residence was just above the shop. His business was also faring very well. On the evening of March 24, as per the routine the gold and silver ornaments were stored in their appropriate place.
On the morning of March 25, seeing the condition of the entrance door of his shop, he felt the earth slide under his feet. The iron grate lock was dangling in a broken state and there was a gaping hole in the inner wooden door. On entering the shop Rahul almost fainted. All the items inside the shop were scattered and all the gold and silver ornaments with cash inside were missing. A tender-hearted person might not have been able to bear this brutal shock.
            The robbers had struck during the night and conducted a rifle of ornaments worth 45 lakh rupees. The robbers had looted lifetime earnings. This incident was one of the biggest thefts conducted in Aravalli district so far. In no time the whole village gathered at the shop and the Bayad police too was informed about the incident.
Police reached the site immediately and commenced the investigation. Right from the breaking of the lock to the hacking of the wooden door, the police minutely studied the details.
            On discussing the case with the police, the police inspector informed that, “Each gang has its own unique modus operandi. Most of the gangs are identified by their style of burglary and lockpicking. Some gangs aim for closed shops only, while certain gangs strike on the closed houses. Others target homes where elderly people live their solitary life.”
            From the way in which the theft was carried out at the jewellery shop, it was assumed that the robbers had expertise in carrying out these types of theft. They had left no evidence in the shop. This case turned out to be a challenging task for the police.
The print and electronic media were covering this incident continuously. There was an overwhelming pressure to solve the case. In such tense situation, the task of investigating in the right direction with calm mind was a bit difficult. After perusal of the whole case, the Chief of the police giving solace to the Jewellery shop owner Mr. Rahul said that, “No matter wherever the robbers maybe in the world, the police will definitely nab them.” Rahul became hopeful after receiving assurance from the District Police chief.
            The police formed various teams and proceeded to solve the case. L.C.B. PI C. P. Vaghela and his team instigated. First, they acquired the CCTV footage of the shop in which the robbers were seen stealing fearlessly. The police team meticulously studied the CCTV footages of all the shops in Demai Bazaar. Footages from nearby toll plaza were also obtained. Upon analysing all the footages, the movement of a car seemed suspicious.
Now the police also have access to advanced technical equipment. Through the technical sources, police fetched the details of all the suspects present in the area at the time of robbery. Delving deep into the matter, one person was found to be suspicious. This person had a criminal past record. The police focused on him. By getting information from various places in the state, one person’s identity got confirmed. Now it was challenging to find the name and address of that person. However, due to long experience the police succeeded in getting the address details. Based on his experience, PI Vaghela dispatched a team to Madhya Pradesh in search of that suspect.
            It’s really very difficult to go into the stronghold of criminals in unknown territory and make the operation successful. The intention of the police officers was lofty. The police were set to solve the case at any cost to set a precedent.
The village of Madhya Pradesh the address led to was very notorious. The support provided by the local police was not to the expectation. There had also been instances of fatal attacks on the police in past from this village. Hence, the operation had to be managed very tactfully.
            The officers that went there had developed rapport with the locals over there. Nobody realized that those were police officers. They were puzzled about how to reach the criminal’s house in that notorious village. Directly approaching the house of the accused could make him escape causing danger to everyone’s life.
The police devised a brilliant trick and entered the village posing as personnels of Electricity Board. They visited various nooks and corners of the village and observed them in depth. They reached to the house of the main accused and carefully made a thorough observation. They succeeded in obtaining valuable information from the locals. The culprit and his house were identified. Having reached there they just had to nab him and bring him to Aravalli, but the task was not as simple as it sounded, as the village was full of dreaded criminals.
            If the village men got the slightest hint that these were police officers, then they would mount a brutal attack on them. So, each step had to be taken carefully. The police again cunningly proceeded towards the culprit’s house, this time posing as LIC agents and on finding an opportune moment, picked up the culprit. The brave police officers staked their lives and brilliantly conducted the operation without raising any suspicion towards them in the village. Police Inspector C. P. Vaghela and his team conducted this high voltage operation successfully.
            The culprit was now in the custody of the police. The moment police started their 3rd degree treatment, he started parroting out all the details. He thoroughly told them about the modus operandi of the robbery of ornaments. Some of the stolen ornaments were sold to the local goldsmith. The goldsmith seeking a convenient moment had run away. The remaining ornaments and cash were confiscated. An amount of around Rs 11 lakh was seized. The other accused had absconded.
            Discussing regarding the challenges faced in this operation, the District Police chief said that, “This is the popular method of interstate theft or new cybercrimes. Being interstate accused, there are several limitations faced by the police in nabbing them. Also, sometimes they don’t get proper support from the local authorities and public to reach to the accused. The gangs take advantage of it. Such gangs are active on large scale, in areas like Nimay, Jambua, Alirajpur, Dhar bordering areas around Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. They target interstate areas ranging from Mumbai to Jaipur. The safety of the police team is of prime importance. There have been instances of police party from other states being attacked in the past. It is also very difficult to reach the criminal by joining small and insufficient links. In which the police succeed.”
            The district police had set an excellent example of solving the case by going into another state and putting their lives at risk.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 11th January 2024, on


©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷

3: Death as Reward of Love

 Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -3: Death as Reward of Love

       This story is about a small remote village of Meghraj taluka in Aravalli district, bordering Rajasthan. One had to go to Meghraj to buy daily necessities. A resident of this hamlet, Mittal was a college student. One afternoon, she headed to Meghraj to get her documents photocopied and clothes stitched.

        At evening the family naturally got worried for their young daughter was out since afternoon and was yet to return. Their worries increased as they found her phone was switched off. The family contacted all her friends but all went in vain.

      After waiting for a while, they began to look for her. They searched everywhere but couldn’t track her down.  The search continued for the whole night until dawn, still her whereabouts were unknown. Her family fell into hardships due to the various doubts and suspicions.

      About the afternoon Shailesh, a young man, showed up with her news. He informed that he had seen two young men of nearby village abducting Mittal, after knocking her out, on a motorcycle and then driving towards the forest. On hearing that, her family felt as if the land beneath them vanished.

       Shailesh insisted on helping her family. He led everyone towards the forest. The scene they witnessed over there almost made everyone faint. Mittal’s corpse was hanging from the tree by her dupatta. It was very evidently a case of murder and not of suicide. The suspicion of it being a murder case became clearer as her corpse was touching the ground and her legs were bent. As Mittal was a bright girl in her life, she had her dreams. But someone had killed them also along with her.

       Her family immediately informed the police and lodged an F.I.R. against the culprits indicated by Shailesh. 

     That news spread rapidly everywhere. The family made a resolution about not to cremate their daughter’s dead body until the culprits were caught. Assessing the seriousness of the incident, the police immediately arrived at the spot. This case also was a challenge for the district police. The police chief Sanjay Kharat assured to nab the culprits at the earliest and dealt with her family with great tact and persuasion. 

      The investigation was handed over to LCB C.P. Vaghela and PST A.M. Desai. They formed different teams and entrusted the task to the informers.

      The culprits indicated by Shailesh were caught by police. They were probed. After intense interrogation the police concluded that the two youths, they had nabbed, were innocent and the real culprit was still to be discovered. The case was now getting more complicated. No other lead regarding the case was found. The police didn’t lose their patience.

      The constant presence of Shailesh at Mittal’s murder place was found to be dubious. Everyone was shocked after knowing this. Is this the same Shailesh who was providing her family and the police the first-hand information?

       The police cleverly captured Shailesh. When they interrogated him in their formidable style, like a smart dumbass he started chirping like a parrot. He confessed having committed the murder. According to him, he was in love with Mittal for almost one and half years and both used to meet frequently. Even on the day of murder both had met in the forest on the outskirts of the village. During that time, a message from another male friend of Mittal had got flashed on her mobile. A suspicion arose in Shailesh’s mind about Mittal having an affair with another man as well. He could not tolerate the fact of seeing some other man’s message flashing in her phone. His anger rose to the sky, and he had slapped her fiercely on her face. The impact of the slap was so strong that she had collapsed and fell unconscious.

        Her unconsciousness had frightened him. He had thought that she had died. To avoid getting trapped in her murder case he had tied her dupatta firmly around her neck and had hung her from the tree. He had invented the whole story so as not to get involved in the crime. He had falsely joined the family in search for Mittal but could not save himself from the smartness of the police. Her phone was also recovered from his house and finally a rogue killer was sent behind bars.

      It is only on the vine of trust and faith that the flower of love blossoms. This is an ideal example of a tragedy when mistrust and suspicion ruins sacred relationship of love. The Aravalli police has set an example by solving many such complicated cases, thereby instilling faith in the police.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 12th February 2024, on 


©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷

2: Dhaval, An unsolved Riddle

 Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -2: Dhaval, An unsolved Riddle


         This is one of the heart-wrenching incidents of the Aravalli region. One evening, Ramjibhai was frantically searching for his four-year-old grandson. His beloved and cherished grandson had been missing since afternoon. He searched the whole village but no one did not find him. Even though it was getting dark, there was no trace to be found of Dhaval anywhere. Later, on the whole village joined in search of Dhaval. The village was very small. So now the search was directed to the outskirts of the village. 

        The villagers began searching surrounding fields, ponds, and wells. The news rvillagerseceived of late was very shocking. Someone tried to kill him by tightening the noose of the rope around Dhaval’s neck on Ramjibhai’s farm. But Dhaval was still breathing. He was immediately taken to a nearby town hospital for treatment. Dhaval’s condition was turning out to be critical. Hence, he was shifted to a big city hospital. Dhaval breathed his last during the treatment at the hospital. Even after great effort, Dhaval couldn’t be saved. The crime of Dhaval’s murder was registered at the police station. And the police scrambled to find the murderer of the innocent child. 

        The question was, who would have committed this heinous and gruesome crime of killing an innocent child? Who must be the killer? Who would be that sinner? And what would be the motive behind the murder of this innocent child? This was one question which would start anyone contemplating it. The first question was why was Dhaval staying with his grandfather? Are the parents alive or not? And if the parents are alive, where are they? The name of Dhaval’s father was Sureshbhai. His first marriage was with the girl of his own community. The marriage barely lasted for one year. Suresh and his wife got divorced in one year. After getting divorced, Suresh fell in love with a girl who was a resident of a small village in the Aravalli district. And finally got married and started living together. Initially both passed a happy married life, and a son was born to them. The son was named Dhaval. As Dhaval’s age advanced, so did the marital discord between Suresh and his second wife kept on increasing. 

        The dissention/disagreement rose to such a level that the relation with his second wife was on the verge of breaking. Later the matter came to the point of divorce. Dhaval was three and half years old at that time. Suresh’s second wife handed over the custody of her son Dhaval to her in-laws and went to her parent’s home. Now Suresh also left home. Despite having parents, Dhaval became parentless. The responsibility of upbthe ringing/nurturing of Dhaval fell on the grandfather Mr. Ramjibhai. Suresh kept moving from one city to another in search of a job. Sometimes he used to get retail jobs in cities like Himmat Nagar, Ahmedabad or Surat. Meanwhile, a girl came into his contact and later turned into a love relationship. Suresh was now in a relationship with a third girl. He then came with the girl to his hometown. The girl’s family disapproved of this relationship at all cost. The girl's family took the girl back home. Now Suresh was all alone. He became irritable and suspicious by nature. He was not ready to talk in a decent manner with anyone.

         While Sures was in his hometown he received a phone call from his second wife. After conversing with his second wife, restlessness in Suresh intensified, His face was livid and turned red with anger. He was at a loss as to what to do next. In the afternoon he took his son Dhaval to a barber in nearby village. After returning from the adjoining village, he took his bag and left for work. After that, Dhaval having not returned until nightfall, the grandfather started the search and found Dhaval in an unconscious state with a rope around his neck in the field. And while the treatment was in progress in the hospital he breathed his last. The killing of the innocent child left the whole area in a state of deep shock. 

        The case was gaining momentum under the guidance of District Police Chief Sanjay Kharat. The district LCB was given the charge to lead the case and trace the accused. The investigation started in full swing. The LCB started working day and night to gather the evidence and when the truth came out it was astonishing for everyone. At the time when this incident took place, the presence of Dhaval, i.e. Dhaval’s father was noted around the spot/place. The needle of suspicion of the murder was pointing towards the child’s father, Suresh. 

        When police started searching for Suresh he was found working as a labourer in a city. He was nabbed from the spot. On his interrogation at the police station, he confessed that “ I have attempted to kill Dhaval because her mother only told me on a phone that Dhaval was not his child, but that of her lover/paramour. This fact was unbearable for me to accept that someone else’s son was being raised in my home. This very thought robbed me of my mental peace. And that day itself I took Dhaval under the pretext of hair cut with the intention of killing him. I took him to the field and put a noose tightly around his neck and came home and escaped saying that I am to leave for some job.” Suresh’s confession even stunned the police. How can a father kill his own innocent child? It's truly said, that there can be no remedy to doubt/suspicion. It is difficult to imagine how the doubt of a worm can make a person perpetuate the most heinous of an act. 

        Dhaval’s grandfather Ramjibhai was forced to spend his old age in a helpless state. One of the specialities of our judicial system is that a hundred criminals can be acquitted, but one innocent should not be punished. Suresh had confessed to having committed the crime at the police station, but no evidence or witnesses were there to prove it, hence the crime couldn’t be proved. Due to the need for proper evidence and witnesses, the honourable court acquitted Suresh.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 14th December 2023, on https://ishvarprajapati.blogspot.com/2023/12/an-unsolved-riddle.html

©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷

05 April 2024

1: Two Mysterious Cadavers

 Kartavya: Duty with Dedication

Chapter -1, Two Mysterious Cadavers

        It was 23rd November of 2021. Two mysterious dead bodies of a woman and a child were found on the banks of a lake on the outskirts of a marginal village in Aravalli district. The villagers were shocked by the unprecedented incident in the village. They informed the police about the incident. The district police rushed to the spot immediately. There was commotion in the entire district. News in regards with the same made headlines in local newspapers the next day.

        The dead woman found was in her 40s and the child was about 12. They didn't belong to any nearby village. Their faces were unfamiliar and seemed to belong to some other area. So, how did these two corpses come here? The case started being widely discussed in the entire district. A dreadful atmosphere prevailed in the village. Superintendent of Police, Aravalli Sanjay Kharat was a promising officer. Having realized the severity of this double murder case, he immediately put wheels in motion to solve it. It was a challenging case for the district police as well. The district police started the investigation.

         Initial speculation suggested that they both were strangled to death and the bodies had been dumped in the hinterland to destroy the evidence.

        It was getting troublesome for the police to solve the case with no leads. Modasa LCB visited the incident site. No evidence was found at the scene, but a search of the surrounding area revealed a bag full of clothes nearby. The bag contained clothes of a woman and a child. Among the clothes, there was a new blouse with a name of a village along with 'Kaminiben' written on it. It was clear from the clothes that this bag belonged to the deceased. That was all the clue the police got. It was not easy to track down the killer based on just the name on the blouse, but the police handled the task patiently and tactfully.

              Based on the names written on the blouse, the police started to search for that particular village. Finally, they found it. It was a small village in Tapi district at Southern Gujarat. The police made their way there. Talking to the villagers they came to know it was Vinod’s family. The woman's name was Kamini and the child's name was Aakash. Vinod was deeply staggered when the police broke the news about his wife and child's bloodshed.

           The murder puzzle was getting more complicated. There was no rift between Vinod and his wife, but technical surveillance and confidants got information that his wife, Kamini was having an affair with a person named Mukesh from a village near Junagadh. Kamini had left for Junagadh with her 12-year-old son forever to live with her lover, Mukesh. She had also taken away a sum of Rs. 3,00,000/- from her husband's savings with her. She had left her happy family to start a new life of her dreams with her lover Mukesh. None had the idea about her leaving home. To know what had happened, it was necessary to contact Mukesh.

           This led to Junagadh. The Aravalli police set all the balls rolling to nab Mukesh. An information was received about Mukesh staying in Rajkot. The police reached there. Mukesh was on the verge of escaping from Rajkot to somewhere else. But due to the prudence of the police, he was arrested from Rajkot bus stand. The police brought him to Modasa and started interrogation. He confessed murdering Kamini and her son Akash during the interrogation.

           It was discovered through the interrogation that during those days a dam’s constructional work was going on near Junagadh. Meanwhile, Kamini had come to live with her husband at the damsite. They lived there for 18 months. Mukesh was over 45 years of age, and was still unmarried. He used to operate a three-wheeler taxi there. She used to frequently ride his taxi. That’s when Kamini and Mukesh fell in love with each other and started their love affair. They were meeting constantly for almost a year and had crossed all the limits.

           After completion of work at the damsite, she returned to her native village at South Gujarat with her family. However, Mukesh and Kamini had continued to remain in contact with each other through phone and chatted for hours. She used to call him frequently to meet. They both were enjoying intimacy. That continued about a year. Later on, she had started to dream of living with Mukesh forever.

           She began to plead him to live together with her son, but he never wanted to because she was just an instrument to satisfy his physical and sexual needs. Gradually, he started to feel about her and his son like a bone struck in his throat.

          He wanted to get rid of her, but she was not ready to leave him at any cost. He was very traumatized by her stubbornness of staying together that he wanted to eliminate Kamini and Aakash and clear his way forever. Finally, Mukesh along with his friend Raju conspired to eliminate Kamini and her son. Raju supported him throughout the whole plan. The conspiracy was devised with such an intelligence that nobody could ever suspect it to be an assassination. Kamini left home with Akash along with three lac rupees from her husband’s savings. As per telephonic conversation Mukesh and his friend Raju were waiting for them at Surat bus-station. She reached Surat with her son.

         Mukesh, Kamini, Aakash and Raju reached Dakor by bus from Surat instead of going to Junagadh with expectations of starting a new life. Kamini had a question in her mind that why Mukesh instead of going to Junagadh brought them there. Mukesh explained to them that some relatives of his friend, Raju dwelled in the fields over there. He added that they would stay in the fields along with them, so no one could ever find them. On hearing that she became very happy and excited. After arriving there, she started walking hurriedly.

          After consuming a lot of alcohol, both the friends started advanced towards the outskirts of the village. Seeing the desolate place, the devil in Mukesh aroused. He had brought a rope along with him. According to the plan both of the friends strangled Kamini and her son with the rope cold bloodedly. Kamini and Aakash shrieked, convulsed and finally both stopped breathing.

        In that deserted and remote area, there was no one to hear the shrieks of the mother and her child. Kamini, who had left her family and home for her lover, was at last deceived by the same lover. Mukesh and Raju after killing both of them threw their corpses in the bushes. Mukesh took away the three lac rupees she had brought with her and threw away the cloth bag there. No matter how clever a killer may be, they always leave evidence behind. The cloth bag thrown away by Mukesh turned out to be an essential lead to throw both the killers behind the bars.

        Both the culprits were arrested and locked up. Three lac rupees stolen from her bag was recovered too. The police showed their excellency in solving the complicated case in a short period of time. Police Inspector C. P. Vaghela, Lady PSI M. D. Gadhvi and their team performed their best to solve the case. The District Police Chief attributed the success to the team.

        Sanjay Kharat says, “The definition of love has changed in today’s era. Physical attraction is named as love and when it wears off, the relationship concludes with a tragic end like that of Kamini. Anyone who has lost his way in life needs to take lesson from her life.”

       Mukesh and Raju are languishing in jail.

Kartavya, a police dairy by Mr. Ishwar Prajapati in Gujarati

Issued on 30th January 2024, on https://ishvarprajapati.blogspot.com/2024/01/two-mysterious-cadavers_30.html

©️Translated into English by Pallavi Gupta🌷